Just Some Thoughts...

Part of what is interesting to me about Second Life is the sociological experiment that it really is. The longer you are in this world, the more challenges present themselves. You build relationships, you gain a reputation. You may have ex's of some sort, frenemies, neighbors you might not get along with. If you are in business you might get ripped off (my good friend Iota recently had some copybots steal from her)... But there is something to be said for sticking it out. There is something to be said for those who remain, who don't buckle to the pressure to disappear, leave SL, or move on to some alt that becomes your next shot at doing it all over again. As in RL, wherever you go, there you are. Better to stick with the life you've made for yourself, good and bad, and make changes to improve things rather than escape your escapism.

We turn to SL for a reprieve from our RL. But some people then make such a mess of their SL's (probably a reflection of their RL's...) that they have to escape their SL to another SL, or leave SL altogether. Or there is something that they are having to deal with that they would rather run from than face. Or they created a problem for themselves and the people around them and they can't see a way out. There are so many things that could be the cause of it... You can not run from yourself, people. The life that you have, your real lives, your second lives... how they are and what becomes of them is in your hands and every day that you open your eyes is an opportunity to do something different if you so choose. You can't run from it. You must either accept it or change it but it's always there in your hands to choose. And a clean slate will only result in the same picture you already see if you don't create change within yourself first.

I wouldn't be surprised if whoever was behind the alt's who brought copybots into Iota's shop are just as low brow and shady in RL. You can copy someone's work, try to imitate one's designs, whatever it is... but you can not take their ideas, their content, their talent, away. I bet the obnoxious neighbor in SL also complains in RL that his neighbor's tree limbs are over the property line. I wouldn't be surpised if those who deceive in some way in SL also do it in their RL's... it's the same soul behind the wheel. To these people I say: it's never ever too late to turn your life around. It isn't always easy, having integrity. Sometimes doing the wrong thing is so tempting, especially in a virtual world where in so many ways we are masked behind anonymity. But it shines through when you could be that way, but you decide not to be. Because you are just that kind of soul behind the wheel.

Forever Love,


Anonymous said...

I like very much what you are writing here Chloe, this is what i have come to understand after 2 years (rezzday today!!!! yeah)of very intensive SL presence and activity.

Sticking out, through thick and thin, that's what I want to do as long as LL doesn't crash utterly under the burden.

I've had my share of unpleasantness, of being ripped off, insulted and abused, by thoughtless uncaring discourteous strangers I meant I could love, of having my pixie heart rent apart, and still bleeding after all the time. Here is mess, here is loss too. I am a naive pasionaria, can't help it. My worst fear is to become cynical and cold.

But then the joy, the beauty, the sheer bliss of emotions triggered by pretty delicate animations, nice words whispered tenderly, reflecting RL memories, or dreams, repairing -somehow- badly botched RL mistakes or failings, the fine conversations that have you shed tears at the depth at the intimacy allowed by anonymity.

And really there is here a biography getting more and more substance as it grows steadily on, acquiring more and more freedom from RL, but carefully affectionately followed, in wonderment and curiosity at what might come next.

The attitude is "serendipity" and the motto "I am free but I am not cheap"

Thank you for your thoughtfulness Chloe
