I fell in love with the nerd glasses Akasha had on in the last picture I posted with her interview, and when I asked her where she got them I was sent to Artilleri. I've been to Artilleri a million times, they really do have some great retro pieces. As always when shopping, I am there for the glasses and end up picking up these super cool beach loungers, the Magda Lounger, complete with tanning reflectors! I got two so I can sit and tan with a friend! They are also color changeable, with 5 options. It comes with adorable accessories as well: a magazine, towel, tanning lotion, shades, and a cool beverage. For only $180L, this is a must have for any bathing beauty!
Me and one of my best girlfriends Janise: laying out and catching up!
Me and one of my best girlfriends Janise: laying out and catching up!

Chloe: When did you start on SL and how did you stumble upon it?
Akasha: --Well my born date is November 2, 2006...a friend of mine from an old messageboard I used to frequent asked me if I had heard of Second Life, I hadnt so I was promptly ushered in.
Chloe: Tell us what you do here in SL...
Akasha: --ahhh lets see, I build...try to keep my store running smoothly (CatniP), goof off with my friends, sex my man up and start trouble as often as i can
Chloe: How did you get started with that?
Akasha: --Im guessing this question is about my building/store xD...well I have a pretty active imagination and I just had an urge to share my insanity with others. Thank God there are alot of twisted people out there who get my sense of humor and like my builds.
Chloe: What advice can you give to our readers who are also interested in becoming successful in your field? Were there mistakes you made that they can avoid? Something or things you did *right* that catapulted your success?
Akasha: --My advice to be successful-do what you love. If you enjoy what you're building, chances are others will too. A huge mistake that I made in the beginning was bringing in friends as business partners. Things turned sour pretty quick and friendships were damaged over business related arguments. I have since learned from that mistake and run solo ^.^
Something I did right? Building what I love, adding humor to my products...and just treating every customer with respect.
Chloe: Approximately how much $L did it cost for you to start your business, and how long did it take for you to turn a profit?
Akasha: Oh lord that was so long ago its hard to tell...Didnt really cost all that much to start up the business, I was fortunate to have had the land and building donated. I began seeing profit in about two months.
Chloe: Tell us your favorite...
- * clothing designer/shop:
- Akasha: Monogrind-Huge crush on his prims
- * hangout spot:
- Akasha: Hysteria
- * place for skins:
- Akasha: MiaSnow
- * toy or gadget:
- Akasha: My shoulder sitter from Mew
- * coolest/prettiest sim:
- Akasha: Relic
- * place for hair:
- Akasha: Magika / black maria
- * AO:
- Akasha: Torrid
- * any other favorites you want to tell us about:
- Akasha: Homicide Designs, Eko, Magika hair also rocks my socks...Oh fav Singer on sl is ColeMarie Soleil--very close personal friend and her voice is freaking amazing...brings tears to my eyes.
Akasha: --Yea, pretty much except my avi has giant, fantastic jugs--In rl Im lacking in that department.
Chloe: How do you feel about romantic relationships in SL? Have you had any of significance? Crossed over to RL at all? Horror stories?
Akasha: -- I think SL is a wonderful outlet to meet and interract with people, of course romance will naturally weave itself in. Romance in SL can be magical or heartbreaking you just have to be careful on who you give your heart to...its so easy to decieve when you can hide behind a monitor, and sadly many take advantage of that.
Ive had two really significant relationships while in SL...the first was a horror story--basically I found out he had been living a double SL life, complete with another digital wife. That episode really crushed me emotionally. The second relationship, is the one Im in now...he healed me and we have fallen head over heels in love with each other and plan to meet in RL in the near future.
**waves to her hubby Skirnir** <3
Chloe: Biggest jerk, liar, or psycho you have encountered so far? Do tell!
Akasha: ahh damn what a loaded question lol...well Im not into naming names but I have run into a few very bad apples on here.
Chloe: Do you have a residence here in SL? Do you rent or own?
Akasha: Yeah, me and my best friend Piper, and my hunnie Skir share a sim together, where we can run around and be total asshats without bothering anyone else.
Chloe: Mind telling us what sim it's on?
Akasha: Jareth
Chloe: Where did you get your house? Is it a prefab or did you have it built? If so by who? Mind sharing a pic?
Akasha: Well the sim started as a project, we were going to recreate the movie Labyrinth...but we got sidetracked. So now Its a mixed theme of Labyrinth, vamp and Alice in Wonderland. We all share a beautiful, gothic pre-fab castle
Chloe: Tell us your 3 favorite movies:
- Natural Born Killers
- Labyrinth
- Army of Darkness
- Deftones - rx queen
- Beautiful -10 years
- Rev 22:20 - Puscifer
Akasha: lmao, all the damn time
Chloe: Funniest thing you've seen so far:
Akasha: heh, impossible to pinpoint--everyday me and my friends are doing something totally retarded and side splitting.
Chloe: Lamest pick-up line that's been tossed your way:
Akasha: you sex me now yes?
Chloe: To "Mute" or not to "Mute"? What makes you cut someone off like that?
Akasha: Well I went about a full year without having anyone muted, but now there are a few stalkers and content thiefs on the list.
Chloe: Got anything coming up you want to plug? Any friends whose ventures you want to tell us about? If you have a blog, tell us the URL here!
Akasha: Well Of course my shop CatniP!! I always have new, fun stuff coming out each week-If you havent been by yet you should come check it out, I guarantee you will find something there that amuses you ^.^
Also My good friends lilsparklez Sprawl and Nerolus Mosienko owners of Homicide Designs & Bruisers skins are about to open a fantastc new sim that will have residential and shop space for rent--they are both so freaking talented and I highly recommend checking them out.
Chloe: Go ahead and get the last word! Tell us anything you think we should know that I haven't asked... say anything you want, at all here!
Akasha: Loosen the hell up! Have fun on SL and dont let things get to you. Be who you want and live out your fantasies, thats what this place was made for.

Tomorrow from 12:30-2:00pm SLT, stop by this fashion show that is being thrown to raise money for The Faith Foundation. Here is some info on the cause... and as always, click the pic to TP there!
The Faith Foundation founded in March of 2004 is a 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit organization dedicated to ending the problem of children’s homelessness worldwide on the premise that stability begins at home, without the most basic needs of shelter being met, there is often little hope. These innocent little ones who through no fault of their own are without food, clothing, shelter, and need your help. By donating to the Faith Foundation you are assisting in programs to meet the desperate need that has been presented to you today.
Homeless Children Just In America Alone.......
More Than One Million Homeless Children
• At least 1.35 million children are homeless during a year’s time.
• On any given day 800,000 people are homeless in the United States, including 200,000 children in homeless families.
• Families with children are among the fastest growing segment of the homeless population.
• Most children living with homeless parents are very young (42% are under the age of 6 years).
Remember Our Children are Our Future! The way they are treated today is how we will be treated tommorrow! (And that a little goes a LONG WAY!)
While any amount that you can generously give will always be accepted for our Sponsors who donate 30,000 lindens (equivalent to $100.00 USD) will also receive a free one page website and listing if preferred on the Faith Foundation website as a Sponsor.
What other items that can be donated:
1. Lindens
2. Cash (visit: http//www.faithforveterans.org)
3. Space: For our vendors (for what you would charge to rent those spaces is what you will receive the tax deductible receipt for that amount in USD)
4. Buildings: For our charity events, auctions, fund raising socials, etc. (for what you would charge to rent those spaces is what you will receive the tax deductible receipt for that amount in USD)
5. Items: Any usable item for resale, auction, etc. If you would like to donate an item please search for: FaithFoundation Held and drop those items to him.
6. Services: Any skills that you would like to donate for what is your normal fee is what you will receive the tax deductible receipt for that amount in USD
7. Time: Volunteers needed to help raise funds in both SL & RL
Support the Faith Foundation by becoming a Member of the Faith Foundation
Join the Faith Foundation Group Today!
Click: Search>Groups>Faith Foundation
For more information, please contact:
Faith Foundation
Paul B. Deosaran aka Xannon Javelin
11585 Woodview Blvd.
Parma Heights, OH. 44130
(Phone): 440-842-2759
if you would like to just donate in regular funds please visit:
(Currently underconstruction as we are switching to a larger server please check back often)

Head To Toe:
- Skin: Gigi Couture- Kawaii
- Hair: Boon - Tom14 (Brown)
- Hat: Chapeau tres Mignon - Lacroix Hat (Yellow)
- Dress: Heartattack & Vine - Skullcandy Dress
- Gloves: Cachet - Cachet Gloves (Cyan)
- Bracelet: House of Phoenix - Whole World Charm Bracelet
- Anklet (L): .+*aya V*+. - Ribbon Anklet
- Anklet (R): .+*aya V*+. - Gold anklet
- Hosiery: Short & Sweet - Black Fishnets
- Shoes: Canimal - Shock Value Stilettos (Turquoise)

If you love urban grunge, you are going to LOVE the Urban Spirit Sim. Something else to love about it: almost everything you see, from the textures to the garbage trucks, are free for anyone to take a copy! I've made a folder of my finds that will be delivered to GROUP MEMBERS only! If you are not in the Gridlocked Clique group, you can search "Gridlocked Clique" in your group tab in Search. If you want to join but not take up group space CLICK HERE to TP to my subscribe board. Just touch it and click subscribe!
A great place for photoshoots or just hanging out... PLEASE don't forget to make a donation to the creator, Astin Miles! How generous of him to make all his items FREE, when he really could get away with selling them for hundreds of Linden! YAY!

From the Rezzable website:
There are almost 90 participants, spreaded across 4 sims. The Hair Fair is sponsored by Rezzable, who have donated the islands for this charity event. Hair Fair donates proceeds to Locks of Love, an organization that donates wigs to children who suffer hair loss due to cancer, burns, and other conditions. This year, all designers at the fair will donate 50% of one hair style to the charity. And of course, you can just donate without getting virtual hair in return on location too.
I just HAD to go check it out! I mean, 4 Sims of just hair? And the fact that some of the proceeds go to such a great charity, Locks of Love, makes it easy to justify a bit of a shopping binge. Here are the styles I picked up:
Not only were there simply TONS of styles to choose from, but sooo many freebies and dollarbies! Here are my favorites:
These are my favorites out of literally hundreds of hair styles, and there were skins and outfits and other fun goodies thrown into the boxes too!
Definitely stop by the Hair Fair, you don't want to miss it! You only have until September 7th so don't delay! CLICK HERE TO TP!
There are almost 90 participants, spreaded across 4 sims. The Hair Fair is sponsored by Rezzable, who have donated the islands for this charity event. Hair Fair donates proceeds to Locks of Love, an organization that donates wigs to children who suffer hair loss due to cancer, burns, and other conditions. This year, all designers at the fair will donate 50% of one hair style to the charity. And of course, you can just donate without getting virtual hair in return on location too.
I just HAD to go check it out! I mean, 4 Sims of just hair? And the fact that some of the proceeds go to such a great charity, Locks of Love, makes it easy to justify a bit of a shopping binge. Here are the styles I picked up:
Not only were there simply TONS of styles to choose from, but sooo many freebies and dollarbies! Here are my favorites:
These are my favorites out of literally hundreds of hair styles, and there were skins and outfits and other fun goodies thrown into the boxes too!
Definitely stop by the Hair Fair, you don't want to miss it! You only have until September 7th so don't delay! CLICK HERE TO TP!

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