Okay: it's been a while... I know it! But I've missed you all! Well it looks like I'm back and for those of you who missed me too, I've got a humdinger of a story... and a bit of a contest. Details at the bottom of the post:
Okay so get this: what well known German fashion blogger/event coordinator was recently 86'd from Tres Jolie? And why? Well it seems this blogger, irritated at being denied free couture in exchange for giving rave reviews, scathed about the quality and value of the merchandise in her posting. Records indicate that said blogger has never once purchased an item from the store, so how she can vouch for quality in either direction, or ponder the justifiability of the prices against the quality without ever having worn an item or seen it outside of a picture is beyond me. The stores designer and owner, Iota Ultsch spotted this blogger in her store, and couldn't resist a bit of confrontation. After pointing out the hypocrisy of the blogger, who reportedly "don't buy a dress for 800 or 1000 linden to post it on my blog" yet who claims to own 4 sims and can easily afford to... Iota then quipped "The point is, you insult me and my business and then stand in my shop like a hypocrite....and you think I don't care? I should ban your ass... in fact I will..."
And that she did, as the blogger stammered "B-b-but I'm doing a fashion expo!", voice trailing as her av soared. Iota was able to catch this image:

Totally giggle worthy.
Okay so here's the fun part: You gotta guess who it is! The first person to post the correct guess in the comments (and this means correct spelling, too, kiddies!) will win $1000L from Tres Jolie, along with a free Tres Jolie "Fashion Assassin" Parasol, and an additional $500L from GridlockedClique.com! That's $1500L and one of the season's hottest accessories, ladies! Get crackin!