It seems that a bug that LL was having with their LindeX system this morning has created quite the dramatic issue. Many residents paid their hard earned RL money for Lindens which were never credited to their accounts. In this failing global economy, you would think that LL would have a better handle on their system, or that in the case of something like this happening they would have a way to easily credit a person once the issue is resolved. Instead, they are making residents wait days for the Lindens to be credited to their accounts. One resident reported exclusively to me that the people she dealt with on the phone at the LL Billing department were rude, unhelpful, and misinformed. She expressed getting different answers from various "supervisors" who seemed to be more interested in what they have to say than in helping this resident, who is a big spender, get the correct information it takes for her to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Apparently, there is no one available to offer refunds or credits to residents on the weekend. So buyer beware: buying Lindens is not the same as going to the bank. They can, apparently, hold you RL funds until it is convenient for them to credit you, and there is no official action you can take other than to submit a support ticket and wait a couple of days while your money sits there and your Linden balance remains the same.

This resident claims that when she finally got off the phone with LL, she found she was banned from her account for 3 days due to "Abuse of Support Staff". This came off as a retaliatory action, and she was able to call back LL, speak to the same supervisor, and have her access to her account reinstated. I don't think they would have done this if it was warranted in the first place. Do you?

I have to say that it is the platform of Second Life, and the people who live in this world: the friends, the lovers, the content creators, the club owners... that keep me coming back to SL. I have never personally found LL to be helpful with anything. They have always acted like they are somehow doing us a favor by being there to answer the phone at all. Whether reporting harassment, or situations like this one: I have never really seen LL do anything at all to resolve anything. Ya know, until they can get around to it...

Let this serve as a reminder. This is their world, and we are just living in it. And the laws that bind RL businesses seem to not matter very much at all to this virtual one.