Saturday, a source sent me the following images, which urged me to start doing some research about what would prove to be a very complicated and many layered scandal in the world of Second Life fashion, involving two very popular and prominent designers.

I immediately began digging. I spent literally hours hearing out both sides, viewing all kinds of evidence (that will all be posted here, as promised to all parties), and am trying my hardest to get to the bottom of all of this. I have made GREAT PAINS to be fair and accurate through my research regarding this. Accusations like this can do a great deal of damage to someone's business, and I would never want to jeopardize anyone's success or progress. However, the facts will speak for themselves.
I am going to start from the beginning, and move this forward. Digit Darkes first opened her doors in June of 2006. She met Bianca through an IM Bianca sent to her in the beginning of October 2007, letting Digit know that she had written about Digit's clothes in her magazine and what a fan she was of her work.
They realized they had a lot of things in common so they began to chat. This evolved into the two deciding to go in on a Sim, Addictive, together. Bianca covering about 1/3 of the cost of the Sim and responsible for 1/3 of the tier.
Bianca has left the Addictive Sim just this week, and has moved to a new location on the Velvet Sim. Both parties claim they thought they left the transaction on good terms. Digit was even so kind as to allow Bianca to leave a teleporter to her new location on the Sim.
At this point, I decided it would be only fair to go to Bianca and let her know that I would be doing a story involving her and out of fairness and journalistic ethics, I wanted to give her the chance to state her side. She told me she thinks she already knows what this is about, and asked if it was "the story that she is copying someone". I confirmed that it was.
(**NOTE: It is against the SL TOS to copy and paste directly, IM conversations. However it is within the TOS for me to quote things said to me in the fashion I am using here. If there is ANY question as to the 100% accuracy of my quotes, I am happy to send copies of my chat logs to ANYONE, which IS allowed by the TOS. So feel free to ask. If it were up to me I would post the chats directly, but I sadly can not.**)
I showed her the images that were sent to me, which you already saw above. She in turn, sent me the following images in her defense:

A comment from me: if neither designer copied Gaultier directly, that would mean that these are both "original interpretations" of his design. What are the odds they would both "interpret" his design in the exact same way? Though the texture is different, the cutouts are EXACTLY THE SAME.
Bianca gave me the following statement to include in my post, directing what she said to the one who gave me the images that started all this:
To Whom it May Concern:
You are accusing me of an injustice and hurting my name and my brand regarding dress designs I created long ago and are no longer selling. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you the TRUTH, as I believe you to be misinformed.
I would also like to say that I find this very odd that these accusations are surfacing at a time when I no longer have a store on the Addictive sim and have just recently built my on sim. Furthermore, Didit Darkes and I have been friends for some time and created Addictive together and even produced a fashion show together in November 2007, punkromantik .
(see above)
Digit Darkes did not invent the latex dress or crossbondage top (Gaultier did for first) and there are many, many designers that have reinterpreted this concept, both in rl fashion and on the Internet. There is never a way to control how fashion uses different images and concepts and there is simply no way that these conceps originated with Digit Darkes.
From my own personal observations, it would appear that photoshop software was used to retouch my owns designs and to make a copy very similar but not an exact replica.
I would be glad to provide you with any information you would like to reaffirm my original creations and the timing of these to clear my name and my brand. I am a rl fashion designer for more than 20 years and live in the one of the world's major fashion capitals, I need not to copy anyone.
bianca foulon
Thus began my questioning. Bianca said that she felt this was all a made up farce meant to attack her because she has moved on to her own Sim. She went on to tell me she "upload those file we talk about in october 2007". She later went on to tell me and even show me evidence of that it was actually in July of that year. Not October. That was the first inconsistency, but could have been an innocent mistake, and so I gave the benefit of the doubt and we moved on. Bianca said that the images that were sent to me, the first ones posted in the article, were tampered with in Photoshop and made to look more identical to Digit's design than they really do. I asked her to let me have a copy to try on for myself so I could see in person, and offered to return them to her if she wanted, as this is not me trying to get free clothes, but discover the unbiased truth for myself.
Bianca did give me a copy of the blue latex outfit featured in the images you have seen. I put them on to check it out for myself. Here are my images. Other than adding text they have not been altered and I can show the original copies without the text to anyone who would like a copy.

No matter which angle I looked from, the highlight marks do line up to be almost exact to the texture of Digit's dress. Of course the "almost" might be due to the way this texture appears to be made. From an image taken of the original texture. Though the highlight marks are in identical places, they appear more blurry and stretched on Bianca's version.

If this texture was made from scratch by Bianca, why would she release it with such awful seam lines? They don't even line up and the back and front are not aligned properly either. This is either the result of a photographed texture or shoddy craftsmanship. Either way, if I bought this outfit and it was made like this, I would be livid.
I asked Bianca if she had any copies of her files to show the progression of trial and error making the items in both sets of pictures. She said she did but as of this date, she has not sent them to me.
Bianca emphasized to me repeatedly, in our talk which lasted well over three hours, that she had taken the pictured items out of her stores and hasn't had them available for sale since December. She wondered to me why they would be just now discovered when they haven't been in world since December, and pointed out the coincidence that the timing of this revelation was parallel to her leaving the Addictive Sim and moving to another one.
This point had me very confused also. If the designs haven't been available since December, but this was just being brought up now, 6 months later... then that did raise some valid questions.
Digit and I were finally able to sit down to talk about her side of all of this much later on in the day. I let her know that Bianca claims the designs haven't even been in world since December, so why and how is this just coming up now. It was at this point I was given the following screen shot of a transaction history from the night of when this all came about. An alt was sent to Bianca's store and purchased the cut out looking top just last night. Here is the screen shot of that transaction:

I then went right then to the location where the top was purchased just the night before. Since the purchase had been made, the entire layout of the store had been changed, and the top was suddenly no longer there. Considering that Bianca already knew about this issue when I first contacted her, and that the top that was under debate was purchased, not in December as she claimed, but just the night before... and was suddenly missing from the location the next morning... well it doesn't look good at all. In fact it was an outright lie. She knew about this issue, and intentionally removed the items in question as soon as this was exposed. And then lied to me and told me they had not been in her stores since December knowing full well she had removed it only THE SAME MORNING we spoke!
I IM'd Bianca to ask her one more time when it was that she removed the items in question from her stores. She again said in December. I then said, then how can you explain that I have in front of my a copy of a transaction that took place just the night before? And that now, suddenly the very next day after this has come out, said items are gone. I reminded her that December was long before last night. She claims she "forgot" that just THE SAME MORNING she had removed the top she had repeatedly told me hadn't been available for sale since December. She... forgot? You are being accused of stealing, in regard to this specific item you JUST removed, but you "forgot" to mention it when you said December over and over for hours? Is that the best you can do? Do I look like I was rezzed yesterday? I think not.
Bianca sent out a statement to her group regarding this issue. Here is the memo in full:
To Velvet Group and Bianca F. Group....
I feel it is very important to make you aware of a situation that has come about in SL. And tell you the TRUTH before you read in any newspapers or blogs.
As you may well know, I was partners with Digit Darkes on the Addictive sim for many months. We both had stores on the sim, produced fashion shows together and generally shared a deep love of fashion design. I even helped her by sharing some of my textures like glitter and she did the same with me.
Now that I have built Velvet sim and have new store, there are rumours and accusations that I copied many of Digit Darkes designs. The truth is a flat out, NO, I did not.
As many of you know, in RL, I live in one of the major fashion capitals of the world and have been a successful RL designer for more than 20 years. I have designed for many of the best fashion brands of Italy. When I came to SL, I began to use the same passion to create designs for the women of SL.
Now it would appear that several dresses, I designed and no longer sell are being said to have been copies of Digit Designs. These particular dresses were concept dresses influenced by some ot Italy's top designers but were original creations, no copies from anyone in RL or SL.
Furthernore, it is suspect to me why these rumours and accusations are coming to light at this time...I am no longer involved with Digit Darkes in any business venture and have closed my store on Addicitive. Velvet is my future here in SL and when left Addicitive, I thought it was on friendly terms with Digit.
So, I wanted you my friends and customers to know before the rest of SL knows that yet another fashion drama is headed my way but you now know the truth. I hope you will help to dispell any further rumours or accusations.
bianca foulon
The first thing I noticed was... in the statement she gave to me to post in this article (see above) she says, and I quote: "Digit Darkes did not invent the latex dress or crossbondage top (Gaultier did for first) and there are many, many designers that have reinterpreted this concept, both in rl fashion and on the Internet." She was speaking of the cutout top, and says both in this Memo and in her IMs with me, that her top was inspired by Gaultier. She even uses one of his images above side by side with her own. However in the notice she sent to the group, she says, and I quote: "were original creations, no copies from anyone in RL or SL.".
If all there was to this were just these items, it would be bad enough. But let's take a closer look at some of the items in Bianca's collections, and compare them to some of Digit's designs.

Digit gave Bianca her version of these gloves for use in a fashion show. They were as yet unreleased. Coincidentally (ha, right?) Bianca came out with the above pictured gloves not too long after.

In this image above, you see a main image, and 2 inset images. The main image is of Digit's tulle skirt, one of my favorite pieces from her. The 2 smaller inset images are of Bianca's outfit. Strikingly "similar" aren't they? In the image below, you can see the Digit top that Bianca was "inspired by". Like Digit, she paired the latex and tulle. Digit has had this outfit for AGES.

In regard to the cutout top, Digit was immediately able to provide me with the following images as proof she did create the shirt on her own:

It seems even Bianca's logo is a rip off of Balenciaga's:

There are just too many similarities to shrug off. I will be updating you all with further information if and when it becomes available. In the meanwhile, my advice to you dear readers, would be: the best way to show your support for original creativity would be to shop with the designer you feel is the innovator, and boycott the copy cat. Who is who? Decide for yourselves.
I immediately began digging. I spent literally hours hearing out both sides, viewing all kinds of evidence (that will all be posted here, as promised to all parties), and am trying my hardest to get to the bottom of all of this. I have made GREAT PAINS to be fair and accurate through my research regarding this. Accusations like this can do a great deal of damage to someone's business, and I would never want to jeopardize anyone's success or progress. However, the facts will speak for themselves.
I am going to start from the beginning, and move this forward. Digit Darkes first opened her doors in June of 2006. She met Bianca through an IM Bianca sent to her in the beginning of October 2007, letting Digit know that she had written about Digit's clothes in her magazine and what a fan she was of her work.
They realized they had a lot of things in common so they began to chat. This evolved into the two deciding to go in on a Sim, Addictive, together. Bianca covering about 1/3 of the cost of the Sim and responsible for 1/3 of the tier.
Bianca has left the Addictive Sim just this week, and has moved to a new location on the Velvet Sim. Both parties claim they thought they left the transaction on good terms. Digit was even so kind as to allow Bianca to leave a teleporter to her new location on the Sim.
At this point, I decided it would be only fair to go to Bianca and let her know that I would be doing a story involving her and out of fairness and journalistic ethics, I wanted to give her the chance to state her side. She told me she thinks she already knows what this is about, and asked if it was "the story that she is copying someone". I confirmed that it was.
(**NOTE: It is against the SL TOS to copy and paste directly, IM conversations. However it is within the TOS for me to quote things said to me in the fashion I am using here. If there is ANY question as to the 100% accuracy of my quotes, I am happy to send copies of my chat logs to ANYONE, which IS allowed by the TOS. So feel free to ask. If it were up to me I would post the chats directly, but I sadly can not.**)
I showed her the images that were sent to me, which you already saw above. She in turn, sent me the following images in her defense:
A comment from me: if neither designer copied Gaultier directly, that would mean that these are both "original interpretations" of his design. What are the odds they would both "interpret" his design in the exact same way? Though the texture is different, the cutouts are EXACTLY THE SAME.
Bianca gave me the following statement to include in my post, directing what she said to the one who gave me the images that started all this:
To Whom it May Concern:
You are accusing me of an injustice and hurting my name and my brand regarding dress designs I created long ago and are no longer selling. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you the TRUTH, as I believe you to be misinformed.
I would also like to say that I find this very odd that these accusations are surfacing at a time when I no longer have a store on the Addictive sim and have just recently built my on sim. Furthermore, Didit Darkes and I have been friends for some time and created Addictive together and even produced a fashion show together in November 2007, punkromantik .
(see above)
Digit Darkes did not invent the latex dress or crossbondage top (Gaultier did for first) and there are many, many designers that have reinterpreted this concept, both in rl fashion and on the Internet. There is never a way to control how fashion uses different images and concepts and there is simply no way that these conceps originated with Digit Darkes.
From my own personal observations, it would appear that photoshop software was used to retouch my owns designs and to make a copy very similar but not an exact replica.
I would be glad to provide you with any information you would like to reaffirm my original creations and the timing of these to clear my name and my brand. I am a rl fashion designer for more than 20 years and live in the one of the world's major fashion capitals, I need not to copy anyone.
bianca foulon
Thus began my questioning. Bianca said that she felt this was all a made up farce meant to attack her because she has moved on to her own Sim. She went on to tell me she "upload those file we talk about in october 2007". She later went on to tell me and even show me evidence of that it was actually in July of that year. Not October. That was the first inconsistency, but could have been an innocent mistake, and so I gave the benefit of the doubt and we moved on. Bianca said that the images that were sent to me, the first ones posted in the article, were tampered with in Photoshop and made to look more identical to Digit's design than they really do. I asked her to let me have a copy to try on for myself so I could see in person, and offered to return them to her if she wanted, as this is not me trying to get free clothes, but discover the unbiased truth for myself.
Bianca did give me a copy of the blue latex outfit featured in the images you have seen. I put them on to check it out for myself. Here are my images. Other than adding text they have not been altered and I can show the original copies without the text to anyone who would like a copy.
No matter which angle I looked from, the highlight marks do line up to be almost exact to the texture of Digit's dress. Of course the "almost" might be due to the way this texture appears to be made. From an image taken of the original texture. Though the highlight marks are in identical places, they appear more blurry and stretched on Bianca's version.
If this texture was made from scratch by Bianca, why would she release it with such awful seam lines? They don't even line up and the back and front are not aligned properly either. This is either the result of a photographed texture or shoddy craftsmanship. Either way, if I bought this outfit and it was made like this, I would be livid.
I asked Bianca if she had any copies of her files to show the progression of trial and error making the items in both sets of pictures. She said she did but as of this date, she has not sent them to me.
Bianca emphasized to me repeatedly, in our talk which lasted well over three hours, that she had taken the pictured items out of her stores and hasn't had them available for sale since December. She wondered to me why they would be just now discovered when they haven't been in world since December, and pointed out the coincidence that the timing of this revelation was parallel to her leaving the Addictive Sim and moving to another one.
This point had me very confused also. If the designs haven't been available since December, but this was just being brought up now, 6 months later... then that did raise some valid questions.
Digit and I were finally able to sit down to talk about her side of all of this much later on in the day. I let her know that Bianca claims the designs haven't even been in world since December, so why and how is this just coming up now. It was at this point I was given the following screen shot of a transaction history from the night of when this all came about. An alt was sent to Bianca's store and purchased the cut out looking top just last night. Here is the screen shot of that transaction:
I then went right then to the location where the top was purchased just the night before. Since the purchase had been made, the entire layout of the store had been changed, and the top was suddenly no longer there. Considering that Bianca already knew about this issue when I first contacted her, and that the top that was under debate was purchased, not in December as she claimed, but just the night before... and was suddenly missing from the location the next morning... well it doesn't look good at all. In fact it was an outright lie. She knew about this issue, and intentionally removed the items in question as soon as this was exposed. And then lied to me and told me they had not been in her stores since December knowing full well she had removed it only THE SAME MORNING we spoke!
I IM'd Bianca to ask her one more time when it was that she removed the items in question from her stores. She again said in December. I then said, then how can you explain that I have in front of my a copy of a transaction that took place just the night before? And that now, suddenly the very next day after this has come out, said items are gone. I reminded her that December was long before last night. She claims she "forgot" that just THE SAME MORNING she had removed the top she had repeatedly told me hadn't been available for sale since December. She... forgot? You are being accused of stealing, in regard to this specific item you JUST removed, but you "forgot" to mention it when you said December over and over for hours? Is that the best you can do? Do I look like I was rezzed yesterday? I think not.
Bianca sent out a statement to her group regarding this issue. Here is the memo in full:
To Velvet Group and Bianca F. Group....
I feel it is very important to make you aware of a situation that has come about in SL. And tell you the TRUTH before you read in any newspapers or blogs.
As you may well know, I was partners with Digit Darkes on the Addictive sim for many months. We both had stores on the sim, produced fashion shows together and generally shared a deep love of fashion design. I even helped her by sharing some of my textures like glitter and she did the same with me.
Now that I have built Velvet sim and have new store, there are rumours and accusations that I copied many of Digit Darkes designs. The truth is a flat out, NO, I did not.
As many of you know, in RL, I live in one of the major fashion capitals of the world and have been a successful RL designer for more than 20 years. I have designed for many of the best fashion brands of Italy. When I came to SL, I began to use the same passion to create designs for the women of SL.
Now it would appear that several dresses, I designed and no longer sell are being said to have been copies of Digit Designs. These particular dresses were concept dresses influenced by some ot Italy's top designers but were original creations, no copies from anyone in RL or SL.
Furthernore, it is suspect to me why these rumours and accusations are coming to light at this time...I am no longer involved with Digit Darkes in any business venture and have closed my store on Addicitive. Velvet is my future here in SL and when left Addicitive, I thought it was on friendly terms with Digit.
So, I wanted you my friends and customers to know before the rest of SL knows that yet another fashion drama is headed my way but you now know the truth. I hope you will help to dispell any further rumours or accusations.
bianca foulon
The first thing I noticed was... in the statement she gave to me to post in this article (see above) she says, and I quote: "Digit Darkes did not invent the latex dress or crossbondage top (Gaultier did for first) and there are many, many designers that have reinterpreted this concept, both in rl fashion and on the Internet." She was speaking of the cutout top, and says both in this Memo and in her IMs with me, that her top was inspired by Gaultier. She even uses one of his images above side by side with her own. However in the notice she sent to the group, she says, and I quote: "were original creations, no copies from anyone in RL or SL.".
If all there was to this were just these items, it would be bad enough. But let's take a closer look at some of the items in Bianca's collections, and compare them to some of Digit's designs.
Digit gave Bianca her version of these gloves for use in a fashion show. They were as yet unreleased. Coincidentally (ha, right?) Bianca came out with the above pictured gloves not too long after.
In this image above, you see a main image, and 2 inset images. The main image is of Digit's tulle skirt, one of my favorite pieces from her. The 2 smaller inset images are of Bianca's outfit. Strikingly "similar" aren't they? In the image below, you can see the Digit top that Bianca was "inspired by". Like Digit, she paired the latex and tulle. Digit has had this outfit for AGES.
In regard to the cutout top, Digit was immediately able to provide me with the following images as proof she did create the shirt on her own:
It seems even Bianca's logo is a rip off of Balenciaga's:
There are just too many similarities to shrug off. I will be updating you all with further information if and when it becomes available. In the meanwhile, my advice to you dear readers, would be: the best way to show your support for original creativity would be to shop with the designer you feel is the innovator, and boycott the copy cat. Who is who? Decide for yourselves.
I don't get it... this looks like an attempt to "rip" a Tenshi Vielle kind of Exposure, and it is very poorly done in my opinion. You state at the top of this post that you are attempting to be un-biased, yet the in first image you add text that states it is absolutely a copy.
First of all, let's get something straight, I do not know either of these designers personally, but if this has been going on for so long, why did they remain SIM mates for so long?
As someone who creates content in SL, I have seen my skills grow as I have progressed. No one seams are perfect when they start, it is just impossible to be that perfect, and even some of the best known Content Creators still struggle with seams. LBD comes to mind. So showing someone's first creations and stating you would have been horrified to have had to purchase it is simply bad form, you did not purchase it, and fashion in SL has come a long way in 2 years.
As for the top you show in your first image, I can see many difference, the cutouts are not the same, there is more breast exposed in the Bianca one and the side cutout curve is angled different too, also one side appears to be completely different. But let me say this, similar is one thing, actual copy is another. They are not the same, obviously, and I don't mean the texture, I mean the actual layout and cutouts. This is not content theft in any way, perhaps inspiration, but there are only so many ways you can make cut-out of a bondage top like that and still have breast covered. Have you never shopped in some of the lesser known malls with random designers, I have seen tops like this for years, all could be lined up and pointed at and said "copied", this is a ludicrous argument.
The tulle skirt comparison is absolutely bullshit. The tulle ball-skirt came out in the Real world probably 8-10 years ago. Is no one but Digit Darkes allowed to make one? They actually look nothing alike, and though I may prefer the one from Digit Darkes if I was shopping, there are literally hundreds of skirts like that in SL. The gloves don't look similar to me either, they are gloves and guess what, lots of people make those too.
Just because someone cannot instantly produce the files you desire on demand is not evidence of wrongdoing. I have hundreds of my designs saved on discs and my labeling system is non-existent. You want me to tell you exactly when I released my X Jeans from over a year ago, I would have to look at my records, I can't pull that stuff out of my mind, particularly if someone was threatening to ruin my reputation and out me as a thief for no apparent reason. If Digit Darkes had a real complaint against Bianca F, she should have spoke to her directly and then proceeded to DMCA action.
I see no pixel for pixel reproduction. I see no "ripped" textures. If the worst you can say is she took inspiration from Digit Darkes and did a bad job at that, then so be it.
You claim journalistic integrity yet I see none of that. You might also like to know that "paraphrasing" is more damaging to your reputation then anyone’s, and FYI you CAN post chat logs on a personal blog. The ToS you seem to uphold like a badge of honor says you cannot repost chat logs on the forums or in world, it does not govern personal blogs. Your offer to pass around the note card however WOULD be against the ToS.
Hope this little "exposure" you have attempted has given you many happy "Drama" Hits on your blog.
Good Luck With Your Smear Campaign, you have managed to make both Digit Darkes, Bianca Foulon look ridiculous, but most particularly, you have made yourself look like a hack.
blatant? no. I see ONE item in your post that MAY have been stolen (and poorly at that as you mentioned), the other items seem to be "inspired by".
Really, this just reads like an excuse to create drama.
To the brave "anonymous"... the last time I posted pasted IM's I was informed that it was a violation of TOS. So I would rather be safe than sorry.
Further, when someone outright lies to me, their credibility is then SHOT. And Bianca outwardly lied to me.
If I wasn't trying to be fair and wanted to just SMEAR her name, I wouldn't have gone to her to hear her side at all. So, please. I spent 3 hours listening to this woman fill my ears with lies.
And she also claims that her designs are inspired by "no one in SL or RL" and if I proved nothing here, I proved that at least, is blatantly not true.
If you are so self-righteous: why not put your name? Thanks for stopping by!
If you don't want anonymous comments, don't allow them. I choose not to put my name because I would be embarassed to have my friends and customers know I even lowered myself to comment on this rag of a blog. You post a smear campaign one day, the next day proclaim yourself "The Shit", and then carry on slinging it.
Yeah you are right, you sure are the shit.
I said the BLOG is the shit. And that's because of how well this "rag" has done in the rankings of SLTopSites, not just my own ego.
Again, thanks for stopping by, oh brave Anonymous!
If you have a little knowledge of how to make clothes in SL you can tell that she simply moved the top up on the template, which is why more of her breast is showing. Then just add a different texture that covers all of the original shading, its very simple to do actually, though it doesnt look as good because all the detail is lost, unless you actually have the ability to add your own detail. I think what bothers me the most is that if you compare the clothing at Bianca F and at Digit Darkes (Darkes' collection outdating Biancas') youll notice that the majority of the clothing at Bianca F's is very similiar if less well done. I dont think any designer would expect a fellow designer they had befriended and even shared a sim with to copy their creations, or even "take inspiration from". Also the logo makes Bianca look suspicious because its identical to a major fashion logo. And even worse than that is the fact that Bianca F claims to be a RL fashion designer for over 20 years (as per her group notice) and she's italian. So it would stand to reason that most would assume she would be aware of the major ITALIAN fashion label that she happens to have the same logo as. Is it a coincidence? I dont see how that would be possible. I also think it was a mistake for her to proclaim that she never copies RL or SL, as her logo alone proves that a lie.
Ive had the pleasure of working with Both Binca and Digit.........whom are both great.....why some ppl only have time to try and bash other is beyond it Jealousy maybe? are someone needs to get a life? I never listen to this BS spouted off about others, and i think most of us have our brains to think with and not ppl who have nothing better to do then try to stirp up trouble in a game yet seesh!!!!
Ohhh FFS. Grow the heck up! You're both a couple of whiney, money-grubbing, drama riddled hacks. All this crap about rip-offs and copying falls on deaf ears when we can see that you both copied a RL designer! Did either of you get permission to copy the RL design? And don't hand me that crap about "re-interpreting!" Did either of you contribute substantially to anything except your own pocketbooks? Now shut the heck up and go create something truly original. I'm sorry I ever bought anything from either of you and will never shop at any place that perpetuates this kind of sick, juvenile, pedantic, whiney publicity seeking nonsense.
I did not go seeking out this information. The images at the top of this posting were SENT TO ME. I then looked into it further. Don't act like I am the one who went looking for this. And Digit is VERY appreciative that I have done this posting, so if you are a friend of hers you should be too.
to anonymous I've been a sl creator for 3 years and made my first top on my second day and yes even three years ago on my second day my seems did not look that bad.
anyone with any actual ability to create in sl can see these are copied badly badly copied.
as for the tulle skirt yes tulle shirts are all over I make thme myself however digit is the first person i've ever seen pair them with a laytex top. and the gloves if you can see if it's the same pair of gloves with part erased and the holes filled in with colour then your blind and very obviously know nothing about how to make clothes in s.l
my guess is that anonymous is actually the the designer is question and to that i say shame on you for ruining s.l for the honest designers with talent of there own. it's people like you that make it harder for the rest of us to make a living.
Obviously whoever sent Chloe those pics knew she had a blog and wanted her to look into it for the sake of Digit. It sound's like Chloe talked to Bianca first and then Digit, and she didn't have to do that. You all seem to be missing the point which is either way, Bianca did lie, saying the clothes weren't even in the store when they were and there is proof to that and a lot of other points here. This isn't just he said she said. It is very easy to see how so many pieces are so similar and they were on the same sim let's wonder where Bianca might have gotten all these ideas. Maybe from her neighbor and friend? That is not cool at all. Some friend. Chloe, thank you for being unafraid to do this story. You pay a price for being the messenger some will love you for it some will hate you for it but you got both sides, one side lied to you and one side gave you proof. How can anyone not see how "similar" Bianca's style is to Digits just too many times? I will not be shopping with Bianca anymore and I am sure I'm not the only one. Even if she didn't STEAL technically, she crossed the line as a friend to Digit by using her style as her own. And she lied to a reporter who was yes ethical enough to even go to her for her side and question Digit as to the points Bianca made just like she questioned Bianca to the point's Digit made. People don't shoot the messenger and also don't be blind to what's obvious about all this. Bianca is a HACK.
Oh please, this type of fashion story is recycled in RL every year. Other than similar textures, which in RL is like similar cloth their lines are both complementary and unique. Just look at Lacroix, Valentino and Armani's 2007 Couture.
Every designer, in RL and SL, will always be inspired and create their own designs as well as pastiches or "inspired by" of other designers, it's how fashion works.
Every designer does this, you don't think Gaultier isn't still inspired by Cardin? Valentino with Fath, Balienciaga, Laroche?
Every up and coming designer and established Haute Couture designer in RL furiously studies every seam of the seasonal haute couture lines for inspiration.
BiancaF and Digits have no need to copy each other. Both are inspired designers whose work is appreciated and welcome.
Also, a mild correction, Balenciaga is Spanish, not Italian.
As a very happy client of BiancaF and Digits, I can say they both have gone a long way in improving the fashion of SL.
Hmm after all this all I can say is sales will drop in both stores. This isn't the first time people have been accused of using others designs and everyone fails in the end. I have to agree there are some look a likes but that is every store in SL AND every store in SL has copied off RL. No matter how you say it if you get the design idea from a fashion on the run way you have copied it. RL designers do it all the time so what is to stop it here. I agree go get your own designs and not steal your friends looks but it seems to be a regular thing in SL or the texture stores would be out of business. Unless you come up with your own script that does something totally new, a new outfit that has never had anything near it on the runway or that pose ball that has never been seen before you are all doing copies. I feel for both these ladies but lets face it they are all copies of something. No one came up with the idea originally in this game. They all took from some designer somewhere. Seems it's time to learn to create your own looks and not google for ideas ladies. Best of luck to all of you in this drama. I'm out of it now and out of a club too sorry to say. Way too much drama in a drama filled game. Anyone have a LM to a store with some real originals? LOL Doubt it! :)
Lizzy yes designer's have similar collections but not exactly the same shapes cut out in exactly the same places and not the shading in the exact same place in the exact same way.
i never heard of Digit Darkes before today but i saw this and checked out her store and I am now sold for life. even if there is wasn't about copying, Digit's clothes are just so much better done. cleaner ideas and better textures. I will keep coming back.
How DARE Bianca steal ideas in ANY way from DIGIT. DIGIT HELPED THAT GIRL. A real friend and a legit human being BEHIND the avatar would have appreciated that friendship and not taken advantage of it to rip her off in ANY way big or small, obvioius or subtley. What a BITCH.
*sigh* Here we go again.... I discovered Digit when I first joined SL and I love her stuff. When I found Bianca's, yes I thought there were similarities, but I figured they shared textures and stuff because who in their right mind would put a copy of someone's stuff at their store when they were friend's with the designer and co-habited the same sim? I really don't know what to think about this, I'm rather disgusted at how much drama there has been lately and it makes me really sad. I won't be shopping at either stores for a while...
One of the place I see this argument fall apart is that the method of copying you claim Bianca used is ludicrous.Taking a photo of clothing to copy it is crude to say the least. Any one that has been in world for any length of time knows how to get a high rez full copy with the alpha channel intact of any texture they are wearing saved to their hard drive. With a little photo shop you can make new colors etc.. Photo copy is a joke.
No I will not tell anyone how to do this.
This is all just sad. I belong to both update groups, and shop from both designers. Digit sent out a Notecard to her group with the following:
There's a controversy going on right now about some of my creations versus Bianca F's and I want you all to be informed about it in case false rumors are circulated.
:( Thanks.....Digit
So I am assuming that she is in full support of the statement made here. But I don't understand why she would say nothing personally about it.
Bianca also sent out a note, it contained a few more details. You posted it in full I belive. but both strike me as equally confused with this whole situation.
I found this blog only after Digit sent out the URL. But I must say, I think it is unfortunate that these dramas are continually put into the public forum before either party involved directly has spoken about it. Or if they have, no one has said as much.
I am not an expert on making clothes in-world, and I see similarities, but I can't see it as Theft. It is more taking inspirations. While skill levels may be different, in SL you don't have to buy what you don't like, simple as that.
This is not a legal issue, this is an ethical or moral issue if anything. These things are subject to interpretation by the parties involved, and if they were friends and shared a SIM, why is it only after Bianca moved on did this come to light? The timing is suspicious, there is something that doesn't add up for me.
I won't take sides, but I will say that these situations are lose/lose. No one looks good when they expose their private business publicly, and no one simply bounces back from having accusations brought forth for others to speculate upon.
~ Ketsy
And what about Digits logo, doesn't it looks like (RL) chanels logo?
WOW, I certainly did not see this coming.
I have been shopping at Digit's store for well over a year and always admired and appreciated the quality of her clothes and textures.
On the other hand, I ventured several times to Bianca's store but never bought anything from her cause her stuff gave me a "weird" feeling.
Not being a fashion designer nor an acute observer, I never realized about the similarities between Digit's and Bianca's stuff.
Well, now I know what that "weird" feeling came from, and it was right.
It would seem at first glance that the two tops in the first photo have identical outlines but they do not. The cutout on the left on the waist is a different shape, the cutout below the breasts isnt exactly the same either. Small details that might escape notice at a casual glance but wouldn't if you had good powers of observation. Of course she could have altered the original cutout - they're close enough - but to say they're "exactly the same" is wrong. It's all in the details.
In my opinion the latex top is the only photo comparison worth looking at, the others are nowhere close to being "copycat" designs. Similar perhaps, but how many dresses on the feed have identical cuts and use of prims? More than you think. Even then there is some distortion of the latex texture (look at the shape of the highlights). I think Digit's case rests on this item and this alone out of all the pics posted. Otherwise I agree with Jhuzen in that I don't see any theft here.
If you plan on posting more comparison articles on theft in the future, I think you should be more impartial. I think this article tries too hard to convince its readers with these photos that prove close to nothing (except for that one latex pic).
Anyone have a LM to a store with some real originals? LOL Doubt it! :)
from lizzy
Um i can send you to my store i can garuntee that all mine to. Scour the catwalks to find a copy and youll be there forever, there isnt. Eqauly i know alot of hard working designers with real talent producing originals.
Personaly im not suprised that bianca f has had this said. I wondered this a while back in her store but never have bought somthing didnt think the textures were similar.
I think its sad that people like this dont have enough creativty so stand on the own
p.s post under your name, annoymouse makes you look like a tool
I have read this blog and all the comments that were all very interesting. I just don't get it why this story came out right now when bianca left Addictive.
Digit already talked to some of her contacts (and even more) about her feeling of beeing copyed by bianca months ago! Digit showed it to some of us, her own designs and bianca F's one. Please don't tell me you haven't heard about this before. It was the case already months ago, in winter, when the both designers were supposed to be friends and shared a SAME SIM.
But why is this blog posted right now? and why did Digit send into her group those links, taking as an excuse the fact she wanted her customers to know the truth, without adding her own point of view and comments. It is quiet funny, isn't it? We just received bianca's point of view.
Another wonder. Yes all those designs are inspired from RL or from other SL Designers. After this reading, I run checking out some fameous SL designers' store.
I have questions about 2 Ivalde's designs:
1)Ivalde "Aritha" in the 1950s space. Isn't it similar or inspired from a past season of Digit Darkes's collection? Why didn't Digit complain about it? Digit, trust me, you should go up there and check it out! And ask Neferia to give you her proof too!
2) Ivalde "Eirny dress w/bolero" in the 1980 arena... Isn't it similar to or inspired from the "Liquerice" dress of bianca F's? bianca, trust me, run and fight for your credits!!
And I am sure! If you go look around, you will come back here and post comment about other copied or inspired designs! No doubt...
I have my kind of sense of humor but I love those drama! Cause it is a good way to show the truth... And I would like to have a comment from Digit and Neferia and any other designer about inspiration or similar stuff.
That is how the world works: sharing ideas, innovating from an existant object, taking inspiration from others ... If bianca realy did take inspiration from RL designers or Digit, those designers should be proud to be a MUSE!! And if you did take inspiration from someone else, you inspired designer, be HUMBLE, say thank you ! celebrate the work of your muse!
Anyway, I love both Digit and bianca's work, I love Italian designers and Balenciaga! Designers you all rock! And I will continue to shop at your store as long as the designs themselves don't suck! No matter were they come from... I don't want to go outside nacked!
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