Let me catch you all up. Since I posted the article about this scandal involving Bianca F. and Digit Darkes, the blogosphere has began a ripple effect, with posts popping up about this all over the net. Over at Shopping Cart Disco, Tenshi Vielle talked about it, and I have been checking the comments on her page as well as others to see what people are saying and see what Bianca is saying, more specifically, in her pathetic attempts at self-defense.
Tenshi had said "You know, I’d like to see some of Bianca’s RL designs sometime. Can someone procure those?"
Well it just so happens that in our 3 hours long interview, Bianca volunteered to send me an image of a RL dress design she CLAIMS is hers. I do not know WHY she offered this image to me. But she did. I left a comment letting Tenshi know I have it and would love to share it.
Within MINUTES I received an IM from Bianca in a raw state of panic, practically pleading with me to not blog this image. She threatened that it was a violation of the TOS. I'm not sure what all the panic is about BUT, the TOS clearly states:
"Linden Lab has designed the Service to be experienced only as offered by Linden Lab at the Websites or partner websites. Linden Lab is not responsible for any aspect of the Service that is accessed or experienced using software or other means that are not provided by Linden Lab."
That being said, here it is:

I wonder if she is so afraid of this pic being blogged because this is just a random pic she took off the internet, slapped her name on it crudely, and is trying to pass off as her own design (sound familiar?) to somehow legitimize herself as an SL designer. Which is truly ignorant because the skills involved in RL design are totally different when it comes to construction than the skills required to do so in SL. Either way, NOW I'm posting it just because she doesn't want me to. The panic is there for a reason. Let's see what it is.
Bianca, after all you have said to me, all the lies, all the threats: now it's personal.
Kiss my ass.
Tenshi had said "You know, I’d like to see some of Bianca’s RL designs sometime. Can someone procure those?"
Well it just so happens that in our 3 hours long interview, Bianca volunteered to send me an image of a RL dress design she CLAIMS is hers. I do not know WHY she offered this image to me. But she did. I left a comment letting Tenshi know I have it and would love to share it.
Within MINUTES I received an IM from Bianca in a raw state of panic, practically pleading with me to not blog this image. She threatened that it was a violation of the TOS. I'm not sure what all the panic is about BUT, the TOS clearly states:
"Linden Lab has designed the Service to be experienced only as offered by Linden Lab at the Websites or partner websites. Linden Lab is not responsible for any aspect of the Service that is accessed or experienced using software or other means that are not provided by Linden Lab."
That being said, here it is:
I wonder if she is so afraid of this pic being blogged because this is just a random pic she took off the internet, slapped her name on it crudely, and is trying to pass off as her own design (sound familiar?) to somehow legitimize herself as an SL designer. Which is truly ignorant because the skills involved in RL design are totally different when it comes to construction than the skills required to do so in SL. Either way, NOW I'm posting it just because she doesn't want me to. The panic is there for a reason. Let's see what it is.
Bianca, after all you have said to me, all the lies, all the threats: now it's personal.
Kiss my ass.
if bianca holds the copyright over the photo in question and has asked you not to publish it, you are now in breach of her rights. I think this type of behaviour lessens the points you are trying to raise.
There is no copyright mark on the image she gave me and I have yet to receive proof of copyright. If I receive proof positive information that this is under copyright, I will immediately remove it. Until then... it remains. You can't just SAY it's copyrighted. Show me it is. As it stands now, I have seen no proof of copyright.
not sure you fully understand copyright in relation to photography, there doesn't need to be any copyright © symbol on the work, copyright exists as soon as the shutter is pressed and then it is up to the photographer/copyright holder to decide the extent to which they will apply their copyright. I have no idea who holds the copyright on this photo but without the copyright holders permission to publish you are on shaky ground.
I just thought I'd chime in on this whole debate about stolen content. I understand designers and content creators spend countless hours working on and producing things they feel will enhance our SLs and bring them a profit. The issue I have is the same as what someone else said earlier. They (we) are all taking things for the most part that have been "inspired" by things in the RL. 99% of SL content is recreated from things in RL. And I dont think they have gone thru the trouble of tracking down the person in RL that they were "inspired" by and getting permissions from them. We all browse the net - see pics of things we like and if we have the skill and talent to recreate in SL we do. So to get all pissy about someone "stealing" something from you is completely ridiculous - you probably stole it first. Yes it's irritating and I can understand how a designer must feel as I understand that clothing design is a tedious progress. Now the straight up snapshot copying is just a damn shame - that is stealing. I understand there are wars among shoe designers in SL. Claiming that one person is stealing a certain design (a classic pump). How ridiculous is that - why must you even expend energy on that. I say - get a life be it a Second Life or a Real Life and stop whining about things that dont matter. I would prefer to see Linden Lab taking care of issues in the game that really impact quality of life in the game such as lag and bug issues rather than chasing down stolen content and gettin all involved in that crap.
-Midori Leandros
@ Vix: I have looked into it, and yes, copyright exists from the moment the work is created. However from a legal standpoint, you will have to register your work with the US Copyright Office, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work.... Basically, if she plans to take legal action against me for posting an image she GAVE TO ME of her OWN ACCORD, she will have to have done that before the date I posted this. She has not. If and when she does, a lawsuit won't be necessary. I'll take it down with a smile.
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