Okay: it's been a while... I know it! But I've missed you all! Well it looks like I'm back and for those of you who missed me too, I've got a humdinger of a story... and a bit of a contest. Details at the bottom of the post:
Okay so get this: what well known German fashion blogger/event coordinator was recently 86'd from Tres Jolie? And why? Well it seems this blogger, irritated at being denied free couture in exchange for giving rave reviews, scathed about the quality and value of the merchandise in her posting. Records indicate that said blogger has never once purchased an item from the store, so how she can vouch for quality in either direction, or ponder the justifiability of the prices against the quality without ever having worn an item or seen it outside of a picture is beyond me. The stores designer and owner, Iota Ultsch spotted this blogger in her store, and couldn't resist a bit of confrontation. After pointing out the hypocrisy of the blogger, who reportedly "don't buy a dress for 800 or 1000 linden to post it on my blog" yet who claims to own 4 sims and can easily afford to... Iota then quipped "The point is, you insult me and my business and then stand in my shop like a hypocrite....and you think I don't care? I should ban your ass... in fact I will..."
And that she did, as the blogger stammered "B-b-but I'm doing a fashion expo!", voice trailing as her av soared. Iota was able to catch this image:

Totally giggle worthy.
Okay so here's the fun part: You gotta guess who it is! The first person to post the correct guess in the comments (and this means correct spelling, too, kiddies!) will win $1000L from Tres Jolie, along with a free Tres Jolie "Fashion Assassin" Parasol, and an additional $500L from GridlockedClique.com! That's $1500L and one of the season's hottest accessories, ladies! Get crackin!
Okay so get this: what well known German fashion blogger/event coordinator was recently 86'd from Tres Jolie? And why? Well it seems this blogger, irritated at being denied free couture in exchange for giving rave reviews, scathed about the quality and value of the merchandise in her posting. Records indicate that said blogger has never once purchased an item from the store, so how she can vouch for quality in either direction, or ponder the justifiability of the prices against the quality without ever having worn an item or seen it outside of a picture is beyond me. The stores designer and owner, Iota Ultsch spotted this blogger in her store, and couldn't resist a bit of confrontation. After pointing out the hypocrisy of the blogger, who reportedly "don't buy a dress for 800 or 1000 linden to post it on my blog" yet who claims to own 4 sims and can easily afford to... Iota then quipped "The point is, you insult me and my business and then stand in my shop like a hypocrite....and you think I don't care? I should ban your ass... in fact I will..."
And that she did, as the blogger stammered "B-b-but I'm doing a fashion expo!", voice trailing as her av soared. Iota was able to catch this image:
Totally giggle worthy.
Okay so here's the fun part: You gotta guess who it is! The first person to post the correct guess in the comments (and this means correct spelling, too, kiddies!) will win $1000L from Tres Jolie, along with a free Tres Jolie "Fashion Assassin" Parasol, and an additional $500L from GridlockedClique.com! That's $1500L and one of the season's hottest accessories, ladies! Get crackin!
O.K. I know it's a little difficult to guess with her ass up in the air and her face eating the dirt she dishes out but I'm sure you'll guess sooner or later!
Think German SL, think scammer, think inflated ego and think PRICELESS image capture!!! Still LMAO!!!
Nadja Baxter
Nadja Baxter....lol
We have a WINNER! Veronique Saphir congratulations!
Congratulations gorgeous Veronique!
Enjoy your prizes darling and see you soon xxxx
Iota Ultsch
Tres Jolie CEO
Damn I thought it was poptart lillihook LOL!!!
Ben Vanguard from SLmen dressed in Drag???
Darn he is French, so it cant be him.
But might as well be, he has done hypocritical things like that (commenting on price of other people's worth and crticising designs without ever owning them)
Oh how I just wish I had a photo of him hitting the concrete nose down.
Iota - can you do the honors?
If you all knew how many people have thanked me for doing this, you'd be surprised to see that 'diplomacy' is counterproductive in virtual worlds.
The point is, if people are diplomatically accepted even after they do the wrong thing by others then we are silencing good people and giving air time to ASSHOLES...air time and privileges they have not earnt.
I am just surprised to see how many people agreed with my action, as drastic as it was. But after 18 months of it in Second Life I thought enough is enough.
Being polite and tolerant is lovely and not a bad thing at all, however it is censorial in a convoluted way because it gives a certain level of autonomy to and protection to people who behave poorly towards others. Second Life is rife with these kinds of bastards because they think that a monitor and privacy laws protect them. But NO!
These people are bullies in my opinion and they seriously do not deserve the level of cachet they have nor the fear they impart in others if they do not get their way.
I undertsand that critics can be bullies, and are usually the ones who wish they were doing it themselves which is what drives their resentment, like the old adage goes, "Those who can't DO, CRITICISE", but her attack was malicious, and why? Because I didn't succumb to her 'cash for comment' attitude! It wasn't a simple "love the frocks but way too expensive" comment, it was a personal attack in the context it was written and under the circumstances that it was written, i.e. our preceding and heated discussion about her trying to scam outfits out of me and other content creators in exchange for her clueless opinion!
I mean really...who died and made her Anna Wintour?
The reality is, ignoring this perpetual bullshit that ALL content creators have to go through with individuals like her who know how to 'milk' the system, means that people like her think it is ok to behave the way they do! Why? Because they have a blog?
Well from now on they are welcome to their opinion, as long as they are aware that I too have recourse. Any bastard who attempts to hurt my hard work, my passion, my drive and my business will be subjected to equal scrutiny. If they want to play dirty, I can play filthy...I learnt from the WORSTof SL [pardon the pun]....THEM!
Nadja Baxter merely got a taste of what she dishes out, that's all. [I hope she likes the flavor].
Iota Ultsch, CEO Tres Jolie
Hi :-)
I am very sad about what happend.
Besides your reproaches:
The way you treated her, the way you speak, having made this foto is not fair, Iota.
We all are adults who can talk in a normal, nearly friendly way.Even in blogs.
Whenever I met you I saw a friendly lady, proud of her work.
I never thought that I ever must read such lines...
Btw: What about he other designers? Why do they only talk to you, why don't they speak to Najda? Maybe all is a big misunderstanding.....
I deeply hope, that it is one.
Momo (Miefmupfel Willis)
(Pls excuse my bad english, I am german ....)
Dearest Miefmupfel,
RE: I am very sad about what happend.
I too am disturbed by what happened.
RE: The way you treated her,
I treated her very fair under the circumstances.
Re: the way you speak,
I speak with anger and honesty.
Re: having made this foto is not fair, Iota.
The photo is NOT designed to be fair. It is designed to HUMILIATE a COWARD who abuses privileges in Second Life and diminishes the value and time of content creators, their clients and other bloggers like you, who actually care about people.
RE: We all are adults who can talk in a normal, nearly friendly way. Even in blogs.
That's my point. I did have a discussion with her in my boutique. I was polite and direct with my opinion of her behaviour. She didn't do 'adult' very well and had to go run to the nearest blog to bitch about my work in another language.
Re: Whenever I met you I saw a friendly lady, proud of her work.
Re:I never thought that I ever must read such lines...
RE: Btw: What about he other designers? Why do they only talk to you, why don't they speak to Najda? Maybe all is a big misunderstanding.....
Because unlike me people actually fear bloggers and people like Nadja, Frollic Mills, Carter Giaccofuckwit etc....THESE people are SCUM. We ALL know it but NOBODY EVER SAYS ANYTHING!
But what you don't know is that people talk....and although you guys think content creators all hate each other, think again! We protect each other and each other's interests. THIS is why SEVERAL of them are in my IM congratulating me for exposing this trash. I guess they are STILL NOT confident enough to speak up for themselves.
I don't mind being the crash test dummy. It's a great cause.
Re: (Pls excuse my bad english, I am german ....)
I know this is faux humility....poor English is not a result of being German.
Iota Ultsch
CEO Tres Jolie
Thanks for your explanations.
Lots of stuff to think about.
Ironic, isn't it? The CEO of "Best of SL" has the absolute worst credit on the grid. The CEO of "Venture" magazine is notorious for not having made any money at all in game, and, in fact, has quite a reputation for being very poor at business.
Of course, while people like "them" are busy bragging about being selected as one of the 25 most fuckable cartoon characters by an inworld magazine that their friend owns, the passionate workaholics like me are busy working our asses off, laughing all the way to the bank. You don't become something by talking about it, you become something by DOING it.
Ironic indeed!
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! OMG...This is the funniest shit I have seen in a long time and well deserved. This Nadja is seen as a "wackadoo" in this fashion community. Good on you for not taking her shit iota! I'm on my way to your shop right now to buy stuff.
So Chloe Cantrell Emerges from self-impossed exile to Fling More Shit, quelle suprise. From a woman who's profile is filled with some of the most twisted Daddy-Daughter RP Crap I have ever heard of, you have a lot of nerve to go after anyone.
I don't know an Iota about Iota, and though I HAVE seen the actual chat log from the conversation in question, I would like to point out that once again Miss Cantrell you are presenting a very one sided story.
While I am not certain about the history to predate the ejection of Nadja from the store, or the issue between Nadja and Iota, I did see that Nadja expressed a point that she felt that the fashion's in Tres Jolie were priced higher then they should be. Her opinion and she is entitled to it, just as Iota can determine who can and cannot be in her store. But I saw the way Iota spoke to Nadja in open chat, and I have to say I was not terribly impressed with her behavior. Nadja is not a personal friend of mine, but the fact that english is not her first language may have made it difficult for her to express herself. The fact that Iota sent a group IM or notice to let everyone know how fabulously she had retaliated against Nadja for having a contrary opinion, and passed around the photograph like a trophy suggests she is not someone I would want to associate with or support with my hard earned Lindens. While she has the right to charge whatever she likes for her creations, and has the right to control who is in her shop and on her land, she demonstarted an utter lack of professionalism and maturity in this instance.
I have never been to Tres Jolie, have never owned anything from there, and do not know Iota, but I really have no desire to do any of these things having seen the delight she takes in humiliating others. The only one she has successfully humiliated here though is herself.
~ Ketsy
"I did see that Nadja expressed a point that she felt that the fashion's in Tres Jolie were priced higher then they should be"
But wearing 1499 boots!
That's too funny.
Thank you for that iota.
Thats Priceless. I don't even know you and I love you Iota. It's about time that designers come forward with the crap they have to deal with from wanna be SL snobbish blogging "celebs" who think they can walk all over someone's work and cant even rez a cube out. I'm not talking about all, some are very fair and fun and genuine...just a select few.
If they had any RL style or taste they wouldn't be sitting in their robe at the computer eating chips and trashing what they can't do themselves. I recall another designer friend being threatened by a blogger of a bad review if she didnt fix a dress more to her liking lol. It's too much. We put wayy too much hype on what bloggers think of our work. Look at the little blue boxes that pop up everytime you make a sale...those are the people that matter and the only ones you have to ever worry about pleasing.And remember peoples...the mute and eject buttons are your friends! Applause!
im laughing my arse off!!!
anyone can start a blog, and many do, although most people just write and post stuff that they already have, and things that i like
i HATE the fact that some bloggers are so full of their own self importance that they think they are ENTILTLED to get free stuff off hard working designers, throwing their weight around like divas
(and yes i have my own blog)
i HATE the fact that some bloggers are so full of their own self importance that they think they are ENTILTLED to argue about situations they have never been part of!
@ Anonymous: This brings us full circle, doesn't it? Since this post is about a blogger who felt entitled to blog about the value and quality of clothing she had never bought or worn. This is a fact, and this is unethical. Not me reporting on it. Not ALL bloggers are bad.
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