The Full Moon parts the curtain of that which is hidden from conscious view, to reveal that which is buried in the caverns of the subconscious. This stage of the Lunar Cycle offers Illuminations - whether large or small. Some trigger an automatic reaction or habitual tendency. What is it you go into auto pilot about? Shake yourself awake… As the Full Moon spins in an unusual fashion resting in the sign of Aquarius.
On August 16th (today!), the Full Moon in Aquarius is also joined by a Lunar Eclipse. This symbolizes a powerfully intensified Full Moon energy. Yeah, a full moon with turbo jet engines. You may cry buckets or you may over analyze them and be detached from the emotions. The opportunity arises to find innovative ways to express how you feel and extend the compassion into the Community and Earth as a whole. We may feel inspiration flowing in...
One way to feel connected and tune into the positive energy of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is to participate in a Global Gathering of some kind. Find a group of individuals who share similar vision or like mind and mingle. Enjoy!

On August 16th (today!), the Full Moon in Aquarius is also joined by a Lunar Eclipse. This symbolizes a powerfully intensified Full Moon energy. Yeah, a full moon with turbo jet engines. You may cry buckets or you may over analyze them and be detached from the emotions. The opportunity arises to find innovative ways to express how you feel and extend the compassion into the Community and Earth as a whole. We may feel inspiration flowing in...
One way to feel connected and tune into the positive energy of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is to participate in a Global Gathering of some kind. Find a group of individuals who share similar vision or like mind and mingle. Enjoy!
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